Studio Policies

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Studio Policies

  1. Please arrive for classes on time. Students will not be able to enter the classroom if more than 10 minutes late.
  2. Hair must be secured off the face and neck with hairspray or gel in a ponytail or bun. Bun required for all ballet classes.
    Correct class attire (as outlined in enrollment email and parent handbook) is required to attend dance classes.
  3. Students and parents are expected to always be friendly, courteous, and respectful of the teachers and other students.
  4. Students are expected to be picked up promptly after class is dismissed and be under adult supervision at all times when not in class. Students are not allowed outside of the studio between classes. Star Dance Production LLC/Carolina Dance Capital will not be liable for anything that occurs to students outside of the studio. *A fee of $5 per 15 minutes will be charged for late pick-ups.
  5. A $35.00 nonsufficient funds fee (NSF) will be charged for declined checks, bank drafts, and credit card drafts. After two insufficient funds occurrences we will accept cash only. Accounts not paid by the 10th of each month will reflect the addition of a $10 late fee. In case there is a balance carried over to the next month a $20 carry-over fee will be applied.
  6. Tuition will be auto-debited from customer accounts on the 1st of each month during the 2024/2025 Season. Yearly tuition is broken down into monthly payments/installments. Tuition will not be credited due to missed classes.
  7. Annual recital package installments (includes costume/s) will be auto debited from customer accounts on their respective due dates. 9/15/24, 11/15/24 and 1/15/25. Fees are non-refundable. Package includes rental fee of venue and professional stage set-up, dancer costume/s and accessories, recital t-shirt, direct download of recital video, 1 group picture, 4 tickets to the recital.
  8. Make-up lessons for classes missed due to illness are available upon request only until the Christmas break. After the Christmas break each class will begin to work on recital routines
  9. Please keep the studio clean. NO eating or drinking is permitted anywhere in the studio, except in the student lounge. We do expect students and parents to clean up after themselves.
  10. Strollers and similar equipment need to be kept at the front of studio – not allowed in lobby, hallways, or rooms.
  11. Practice is always encouraged. As the routines are being taught, it is sometimes helpful to video the choreography of the routine. Ask your teacher for convenient times to video tape the classes to help the student remember what is taught.
  12. We would appreciate a phone call into the office when your child will be out.
  13. Classes will not be made up if the studio has to close due to inclement weather conditions.
  14. Social media “bullying” in NC is considered a Class 1 misdemeanor if over 18 years old, and a Class 2 misdemeanor if under the age of 18. If found that social media is used inappropriately, it might result in dismissal from Carolina Dance Capital. The studio only supports positive and encouraging social media.
  15. All accounts must be paid in full before your child/ren can participate in the 2025 recital!
  16. In case of withdrawal, a 30-day written notice from the first of the month must be given. The required withdrawal form can be picked up at the front desk or e-mailed to you. If costume has been ordered, customer is responsible for the full price of costume (or costumes, if more than one was ordered).


I have full knowledge that by nature class participation can frequently include exercise and body contact along with associated dangers. In recognition of the possible dangers connected with any physical activity, students and legal guardians hereby knowingly and voluntarily waive any right of cause of action and any kind whatsoever arising as a result of such activity from which any liability may or could occur to Fritz & Annette Schulte, its officers, agents, or employees or instructors.

I agree to waive claims against any person or organization connected with Star Dance Production LLC/Carolina Dance
Capital for any injuries I or my child/ren may sustain and likewise assume full responsibility for all actions in connection with said classes, including any and all virtual classes.

I recognize that most Carolina Dance Capital programs, by their nature, place students in close physical proximity to each other and to Carolina Dance Capital staff and, as such, present inherent risks of illness (including but not limited to influenza, COVID-19, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children which is associated with COVID-19, and other communicable diseases) caused by exposure to airborne and surface borne pathogens. I am fully aware of the foregoing risks and hazards to students presented by his/her participating in such programs.

I knowingly and voluntarily assume all such risks, even if arising from the negligence of those persons and entities released from liability, and I accept and assume full responsibility for any and all injuries and illnesses to student that may arise as a result of participating in any Carolina Dance Capital program.

I understand and acknowledge that at times classes might be held via a virtual platform in lieu of in-studio classes.

I understand that Star Dance Production/Carolina Dance Capital and its agents urges for all students to obtain a physical
examination from their physician prior to attending any class.

** Social media “bullying” in NC is considered a Class 1 misdemeanor if over 18 years old, and a Class 2 misdemeanor if under the age of 18. I understand that if I am found to be using social media inappropriately, I will face consequences that might result in dismissal from Carolina Dance Capital. The studio only supports positive and encouraging social media.

** In the event of withdrawal (30 day written notice given from 1st of the month), please fill out the required withdrawal form that can be picked up at the front desk or e-mailed to you.

I have read and accept all policies associated with enrolling my child/ren (electronic signature on file with online enrollment).

STUDENT’S NAME:____________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:____________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE:____________________
DATE SIGNED:____________________

Download the pdf HERE.