Home > Recreational & Competitive Dance Blog > Etiquette for Dance Classes: Dos and Don’ts for Every Dancer

dance classesDance classes come in all shapes and sizes and may be different depending on where you take them.  No matter where you are taking dance, there are some common rules of etiquette that apply to ever dancer in every studio.  To make sure you are being respectful and to prepare you for your dance classes (if you’ve never taken dance before) look over these Dos and Don’ts of Dance Class Etiquette:


  • Look over the dress code before attending your first class. Some dance classes may require a certain color of leotard and tights, while others may only suggest comfortable clothes to move in.
  • Silence your cell phone or turn it off and leave it in your bag
  • Respect your teacher and the other students in class. Be aware of your personal space and make sure you are listening when the teacher gives instructions.


  • Wear distracting jewelry or accessories that could fall off and get in the way of dancing.
  • Chew gum during dance class. EVER! Also avoid bringing food or drink into the dance studio (except for water).
  • Be late! It is helpful to be a bit early so you can get ready and store your belongings appropriately before the class begins. If you are late, try to join the class without disruption.